challenge your friends
about anything
💰 money
👊 bragging rights
😇 charity
"$10 Donald Trump will be the next President"
"$20 donation to Watsi that you can't lose 5 pounds this month"
"I'll beat you at darts and post a pic to prove it"
– Connect your bank account or bitcoin wallet
– Build a profile with your player stats and parlay history
– Scroll through your feed to see what your friends are up to
– Comment, react, and share
– Donate to the following charities:
🏥🌏 Watsi – fund medical treatments
👧💻 Girls Who Code – closing the gender gap in tech
💧💦 Charity: Water – clean drinking water
✏️📚 Pencils of Promise – support global education
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">挑战你的朋友
“10 $唐纳德·特朗普将成为下一任总统”
“$ 20个捐赠Watsi,你不能失去这个每月5英镑”
- 连接您的银行帐户或比特币钱包
- 建立一个配置文件,您的播放器的统计和Parlay的历史
- 滚动浏览您的饲料,看看你的朋友都在做什么
- 评论,反应和共享
- 捐赠给慈善机构如下:
🏥🌏Watsi - 基金医疗
👧💻女孩代码 - 缩小性别差距高科技
💧💦慈善:水 - 洁净的饮用水
✏️📚无极铅笔 - 支持全球教育</div> <div class="show-more-end">